Photo: August Alvtegen & Svante Berg, White Ribbon 2014

Rules and registration

  • The journey will be conducted along the mountain range, within Sweden or partially also on the Norwegian side.
  • The journey is undertaken at one's own responsibility and risk.
  • The starting point and end point are Grövelsjön in the south and Treriksröset in the north, or vice versa. At the start and finish, the hand should be placed on the mountain station's "Blue Door" in Grövelsjön and at Treriksröset respectively.
  • The mountain traveler chooses their own route through the mountains, but must pass through the following locations west of, or through:      
 Torneträsk, eastern tip
  • With obvious environmental and nature consideration.
  • According to the Swedish Right of Public Access and other applicable rules such as restrictions on crossing national borders. Littering, scribbling, violation of reserve rules lead to disqualification.
  • By your own power. Sled dog, horse or kite-like, non-motorized aids are allowed, but will be registered as such.
  • In its entirety, without interruption. Break due to illness/injury (of seriuos type) is approved, if the tour continues at the same place and without any unnecessary delay.
  • Accommodation. Tents and/or huts. At the depots the walker/skier is free to use any available suite. It is permitted to be picked up at the depots for accommodation at another location and then return and continue at the same location where you left off.
  • Without motorized appliance. The exception is boat transport that crosses mountain lakes. 
  • For safety reasons, not as proof of implementation, an emergency transmitter or a satellite telephone is the only mandatory equipment required to carry out. With a satellite based InReach/SPOT/PLB (or equivalent) to carry out the tour as safely as possible. If you want others to be able to follow your journey (blue link in Tours on the go), you need to send us a link to your emergency transmitter. Not mandatory but more fun. 
  • The trip must be carried out with respectful and active environmental, natural and cultural consideration, where reindeer herding is also included as an important part. (HERE you get important information about the mountains as a cultural landscape and about the Swedish Right of Public Access).
  •  We strongly recommend to begin the Green Ribbon after 1 June and the 15 of August as latest, of nature and reindeer herding concideration and for safety reasons. (And, speeeking about safety, at the website Fjällsäkerhetsrådet there is a lot of valuable information for a safe trip!)
  • External support (e.g. transportation of food, equipment etc) may not be received. The depots may not be driven out with snowmobile or carried out by anyone other than the ribboner on the mountain. But, it is okay to let someone send out boxes to depots during the trip to limit the lying time, if the depot can be reached with normal parcel deliveries.
  • Food and equipment supplies to be sent out in advance may be sent by Bussgods, friends/acquaintances etc to places the hiker will pass, but they have to be picked up by the hiker him-/herself. The same goes for additional equipment supplements (e.g. gasoline and fresh food at depots), which therefore also must be arranged by the hiker him-/herself.
  • The time of the trip is counted from date to date. Whole days, not hours.
  • After the finish of the tuor (or no later than two weeks after), the hiker MUST submit a report via the Diploma Form. There they describe start and finish dates, distance traveled (total number of km), etc.
  • And REMEMBER – as a White or Green Ribboner you are an important ambassador for our shared responsibility for the mountains as the unique natural and cultural environment they are, and should be for future generations!

Important information about Treriksröset area in Finland

The area at Treriksröset on the Finnish side is Malla Strict Nature Reserve. Just like in all nature reserves or national parks there are certain rules.

In summer it is only allowed to hike along the marked trail by foot. In winter skiing is allowed, also outside the marked trail. A pet dog can accompany a hiker when on a leash, but sleg dog teams are completely forbidden in Malla Strict Nature Reserve area in Finland. For more information contact Kilpisjärvi naturum.
In the Nature Reserve at Kuohkimajärvi there are two huts - one open and one shared reservable hut (bookable and locked). Pitching a tent is only allowed next to the open hut - not anywhere else in the Nature Reserve area.
All the rules of the Malla Strict nature reserve can be found at


Registration for the Fjällfararnas White & Green Ribbon must be done as early as possible before the start and cannot be done afterwards. However, the start date can be adjusted up to the planned day of start.

The registration fee for Fjällfararnas White & Green Ribbon is 1800 SEK.
For those who have previously signed up and tried or completed one of the Ribbons, the registration fee is 1500 SEK as "Veteran".

As a "Fjällfarare/mountaineer" you choose whether your name should be shown on the website or not – you can if you for some reason want to remain anonymous. In that case, announce it at the same time as you submit your application.

Registration is personal. As couples, friends, etc, you each register your application and state "company".

​The tour is carried out under your own responsibility, at your own risk.

If for some reason you cannot start, you have the right to postpone your registration for one year without any cost. Communicate this as early as possible. Interruption or no start after the specified start date is considered to have started, which does not give the right to a postponed start or a refund.


Please read through "Realm of the Reindeer " and about the access rights, in connection with the registration. It is because we want you to be the best possible responsible and knowledgeable Mountaineer ...!
Press the links below.