The Trail Angel of the Year
A much-awaited cup of coffee, help drying gear, a warming sauna, or a friendly, encouraging comment. Small gestures from strangers that are truly invaluable and can elevate a day – or an entire mountain journey – to entirely new heights. We know that there are many mountain heroes out there and we want to honor them with a special award!
Anyone who has started or completed the White or Green Ribbon during the year can nominate the “Trail Angel of the Year” who they believe has meant the most for their experience along the mountain chain. Among the nominees, the jury for White & Green Ribbon will choose a worthy winner.
Below, we present all those who have received this prestigious title!

Stig “Stig i Olden” Nilsson
With genuine warmth, care, and generosity, Stig Nilsson has tirelessly helped, encouraged, and enriched the journey for so many Ribboners over the years. A true stalwart with a heart of gold, he has become an icon for both mountain travelers and for the entire White & Green Ribbon. A thousand thanks, Stig!
Årets Fjällfararvän 2024

Lennart Mörtsell, Jemtlander
For his committed and personal approach, and for his exceptional helpfulness. Every winter, Lennart is ready to personally assist mountain travelers who encounter issues with all kinds of pulkas. He listens attentively to opinions about pulkas with great dedication, driven to develop high-quality equipment that lasts a lifetime.
Årets Fjällfararvän 2023

Valsjöbua in Valsjöbyn
For an exceptionally kind and warm welcome when freezing, hungry White and Green Ribboners pass through Valsjöbyn on their journey north or south. Valsjöbua greets them with open arms, offering delicious coffee, drying gear, and taking care of everything without expecting anything in return. Tobbe and the staff at Valsjöbua are true trail angels, real heroes on the journey.
Årets Fjällfararvän 2019

Lill-Marie Wassdahl, Gäddede Camping
Lili-Marie has shown exceptional hospitality and generosity to all mountain travelers. She has made Gäddede a logical hub for everyone passing through the mountain chain during their journey on the White and Green Ribbon.
Årets Fjällfararvän 2018

Yvonne & Tomas Fransson, Jänsmässholmens Fjällhotell
Tomas and Yvonne have shown exceptional warmth and generosity to all mountain travelers who have crossed their path. Their ability to make everyone feel like part of their family is remarkable and much needed. It truly feels like coming home.
Årets Fjällfararvän 2017

Stig “Stig i Olden” Nilsson
A true stalwart, who selflessly has served, helped, encouraged, and kept a close watch on many, many mountain travelers over the years. Many Green and White Ribboners can attest that Stig Nilsson in Olden has shown incredible hospitality, which has been a much-appreciated part of their journey. Stig keeps a sharp eye on all of us Ribboners, inviting those he manages to find for coffee, sandwiches, and a pleasant chat at the village cabin in Olden. Many have also been offered accommodation and a much-needed opportunity to dry off and recharge after soggy and cold bog adventures.