The Mountain Explorers’ White & Green Ribbond
The Mountain Explorers’ White & Green Ribbons are not a trail. They are an adventure and a life-changing experience. Using their own strength, the mountain explorer travels along a self-chosen route through the mountain range, from Grövelsjön to Treriksröset, or vice versa.
The journey can be undertaken either in summer or winter, with the color of the Ribbons indicating when the trip takes place. Consideration for the environment, the climate, the mountain landscape, people, and animals is a guiding principle and a given responsibility. The trip can be completed either continuously or in stages.
Traveling through the entire mountain range provides experiences and memories that stay with you. You have time to simply be, to experience, and to reflect. You only need to take care of your basic needs – staying warm, dry, fed, and safe – but nothing more, unless you choose otherwise. You will gain new knowledge, both about yourself and the mountain landscape you traverse. And as a wonderful bonus, you’ll have unexpected opportunities for amazing encounters and perhaps even new friends for life.